Alina Chervinskaya Research Articles
Mark R. Elkins, M.H.Sc., Michael Robinson, Ph.D., Barbara R. Rose, Ph.D., Colin Harbour, Ph.D.Carmel P. Moriarty, R.N., Guy B. Marks, Ph.D., Elena G. Belousova, M.Appl.Sc., Wei Xuan, Ph.D. and Peter T.P. Bye, Ph.D. for the National Hypertonic Saline in Cystic Fibrosis (NHSCF) Study Group*
Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory diseases
CONCLUSIONS: Halotherapy resulted in improvements of clinical state in the most of patients. The positive dynamics of flow-volume loop parameters and decrease of bronchial resistance measured by body plethysmography were observed. The changes in control group parameters after HT were not statistically significant. The specificity of this method is the low concentration and gradual administration of dry sodium chloride aerosol. Data on healing mechanisms of a specific air-dispersive environment of sodium chloride while while treatment the respiratory diseases are discussed.
The use of an artificial microclimate chamber in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases.
CONCLUSIONS: Significant positive effects of this method resulted in the improvement of the flow-volume parameters curve of lung function and in hypotensive effects on blood pressure. Halotherapy is recommended for use in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases with hypertension or coronary heart disease.
The effect of salt chamber treatment on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics
CONCLUSIONS: Salt chamber treatment reduced bronchial hyperresponsiveness as an add-on therapy in asthmatics with a low to moderate dose of inhaled steroids. The possibility that salt chamber treatment could serve as a complementary therapy to conventional medication cannot be excluded.
[The efficacy of speleotherapy in salt mines in children with bronchial asthma based on the data from immediate and late observations].
CONCLUSIONS: Speleotherapy courses noticeably diminished broncho-obstructive syndrome, improved pulmonary ventilation. The improvement proved stable in the majority of the patients. It is recommended to include speleotherapy in salt mines into combined rehabilitation treatment of pediatric asthmatics.
[The efficancy of speleotherapy in atopic dermatitis in children].
CONCLUSIONS: After proper clinical and immunological examinations 112 children with atopic dermatitis underwent immunocorrective speleotherapy in a chamber with artificial microclimate created with the use of natrium [sodium] chloride spraying. During the treatment positive trends were observed in the patients’ dermatological status and immune homeostasis. A complete 6-24-month response was reported in 58%, partial in 20%, no response in 6.9% of patients. The method is recommended for treatment of atopic dermatitis.